Canto-Pastor, A., Kajala, K., Shaar-Moshe, L., Manzano, C., Timilsena, P., De Bellis, D., Gray, S., Holbein, J., Yang, H., Mohammad, S., Nirmal, N., Suresh, K., Ursache, R., Mason, GA., Gouran, M., West, D., Borowsky, A., Shackel, K., Sinha, N., Bailey-Serres, J., Geldner, N., Li, S., Franke R. and Brady S. (2024) A suberized exodermis is required for tomato drought tolerance. Nature Plants.
Jo, L., Buti, S., Artur, M. A., Kluck, R. M., Canto-Pastor, A., Brady, S. M., & Kajala, K. (2024). Transcription factors SlMYB41, SlMYB92 and SlWRKY71 regulate gene expression in the tomato exodermis. bioRxiv.
Manzano, C., Morimoto, K. W., Shaar-Moshe, L., Mason, G. A., Canto-Pastor, A., Gouran, M., De Bellis D., Ursache R., Kajala K., Sinha N., Bailey-Serres J., Geldner N., Carlos del Pozo J. and Brady, S. (2024). Regulation and Function of a Polarly Localized Lignin Barrier in the Exodermis. Nature Plants (in press).
Demirer, G., Gibson, D., Yue, X., Pan, K., Elishav, E., Khandal, H., Horev, G., Tarkowská, D., Canto-Pastor, A., Kong, S. and Maloof, J., Savaldi-Goldstein S. and Brady, S. (2023). The Phosphate Deprivation Response is Mediated by an Interaction between Brassinosteroid Signaling and Zinc in Tomato. New Phytologist.
Kajala, K.*, Gouran, M.*, Shaar-Moshe, L.*, Mason, G. A.*, Rodriguez-Medina, J.*, Kawa, D.‡, Pauluzzi, G.‡, Reynoso, M.‡, Canto-Pastor, A.‡, Manzano, C., Lau, V., Artur, M., West, D., Gray, S., Borowsky, A., Moore, B., Yao, A., Morimoto, K., Bajic, M., Formentin, E., Nirmal, N., Rodriguez, A., Pasha, A., Deal, R., Kliebenstein, D., Hvidsten, T., Provart, N., Sinha, N., Runcie, D., Bailey-Serres, J. and Brady, S. M., (2021). Innovation, conservation, and repurposing of gene function in root cell type development. Cell.
Canto-Pastor, A., Santos, B., Valli, A., Summers, W., Schornack, S. and Baulcombe, D., (2019). Enhanced resistance to bacterial and oomycete pathogens by short tandem target mimic RNAs in tomato. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
Wang, Z., Hardcastle, T.J., Canto-Pastor, A., Yip, W.H., Tang, S. and Baulcombe, D.C., (2018). A novel DCL2-dependent miRNA pathway in tomato affects susceptibility to RNA viruses. Genes & development.
Canto-Pastor, A., Mollá-Morales, A., Ernst, E., Dahl, W., Zhai, J., Yan, Y., Meyers, B. C., Shanklin, J. and Martienssen, R. (2015), Efficient transformation and artificial miRNA gene silencing in Lemna minor. Plant Biology J.
Canto‐Pastor, A.*, Manzano, C.*, Brady, S. M. (2024). A Way to Interact with the World: Complex and Diverse Spatiotemporal Cell Wall Thickenings in Plant Roots. Annual Reviews of Plant Biology (in press).
Canto‐Pastor, A.*, Mason, G. A.*, Brady, S. M., & Provart, N. J. (2021). Arabidopsis bioinformatics: tools and strategies. The Plant Journal.