Job Opportunities

We are always looking for motivated postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students to join our lab! Please contact Alex Cantó-Pastor at

Postdoctoral applicants

We currently welcome applications from individuals interested in postdoctoral training. To apply, please email your CV, a cover letter outlining your research interests and future objectives, and the contact information for three references.

Graduate Students

If you are interested in doing a PhD in the lab, please get in touch to discuss your interests and potential projects. Prospective students are encourage to apply to the Yale Biological and Biomedical Sciences (BBS) PhD program. The Canto-Pastor lab is currently affiliated with the Plant Molecular Biology (PMB) track and the Biochemistry, Quantitative Biology, Biophysics and Structural Biology (BQBS) track of BBS, but all incoming graduate students at Yale interested in our work are welcome to contact us to inquire about research opportunities.


Are you interested in learning plant genetics, molecular biology and/or bioinformatics, and gaining lab experience? Get in touch to discuss for potential opportunities.